# Getting Started Check out our [GitHub README page](https://github.com/CityOfZion/neo3-boa/tree/master#quickstart) to see how you can install Neo3-Boa. ## Writing a smart contract It's pretty easy to write a Python3 script with Neo3-Boa, since it is compatible with a lot of Python features. However, there are some key differences that you should be aware of, here's the 4 most prominent ones: - there is no floating point arithmetic, only the `int` type is implemented; - you need to specify a function's return type and parameter types; - if you want to call other smart contracts, you can only call public functions; - to interact with the Neo blockchain, you need to use a function, variable, or class inside the `boa3.builtin` package. ### Overview of Neo3-Boa features | Packages | Contains: | Important features | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [boa3.builtin](auto-package/boa3/builtin/boa3-builtins) | all packages below, it also contains an env variable that lets you change the value of a variable when compiling the smart contract. | {data}`env ` | | [boa3.builtin.compile_time](auto-package/boa3/builtin/compile-time/boa3-builtin-compile-time) | methods and classes that are needed when you are compiling your smart contract, as opposed to when it's being executed on the blockchain. | {func}`public `, {func}`metadata `, {func}`contract `, {func}`CreateNewEvent `, {class}`NeoMetadata ` | | [boa3.builtin.contract](auto-package/boa3/builtin/contract/boa3-builtin-contract) | events and methods that might help when writing something specific about Neo blockchain | {func}`abort `, {data}`Nep17TransferEvent `, {data}`Nep11TransferEvent ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/boa3-builtin-interop) | other packages that have a lot of helpful interoperable services. Has some overlap with the native contracts. | {mod}`storage `, {mod}`runtime `, {mod}`contract `, {mod}`blockchain ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.blockchain](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/blockchain/boa3-builtin-interop-blockchain) | features to get information on the Neo blockchain. | {data}`current_hash `, {func}`get_contract `, {class}`Transaction ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.contract](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/contract/boa3-builtin-interop-contract) | features related to smart contracts. | {func}`call_contract `, {func}`update_contract `, {class}`Contract ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.crypto](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/crypto/boa3-builtin-interop-crypto) | features related to cryptography. | {func}`sha256 `, {func}`hash160 `, {func}`hash256 `, {func}`check_sig ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.iterator](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/iterator/boa3-builtin-interop-iterator) | the iterator class. | {class}`Iterator ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.json](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/json/boa3-builtin-interop-json) | methods to serialize and deserialize JSON. | {func}`json_serialize `, {func}`json_deserialize ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.oracle](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/oracle/boa3-builtin-interop-oracle) | features related with Neo Oracle, it is used to get information from outside the blockchain. | {class}`Oracle ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.policy](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/policy/boa3-builtin-interop-policy) | features related to policies that affect the entire Neo blockchain. | {func}`get_exec_fee_factor `, {func}`get_storage_price ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.role](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/role/boa3-builtin-interop-role) | methods to get information about the nodes on the blockchain. | {func}`get_designated_by_role ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.runtime](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/runtime/boa3-builtin-interop-runtime) | features to get information that can only be acquired when running the smart contract. | {func}`check_witness `, {func}`calling_script_hash `, {func}`executing_script_hash `, {func}`script_container `, {class}`Notification ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.stdlib](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/stdlib/boa3-builtin-interop-stdlib) | methods that convert one data to another or methods that can check and compare memory. | {func}`serialize `, {func}`deserialize ` | | [boa3.builtin.interop.storage](auto-package/boa3/builtin/interop/storage/boa3-builtin-interop-storage) | features to store, get, or change values inside the blockchain. | {func}`get `, {func}`put `, {func}`find `, {class}`FindOptions ` | | [boa3.builtin.nativecontract](auto-package/boa3/builtin/nativecontract/boa3-builtin-nativecontract) | classes that interface Neo's native contracts. | {class}`ContractManagement `, {class}`GAS `, {class}`NEO `, {class}`StdLib ` | | [boa3.builtin.type](auto-package/boa3/builtin/type/boa3-builtin-type) | Neo types. | {class}`UInt160 `, {class}`UInt256 `, {class}`Event `, {class}`ECPoint ` | | [boa3.builtin.vm](auto-package/boa3/builtin/vm/boa3-builtin-vm) | Opcodes used internally by the Neo VM, used to create scripts dynamically. | {class}`Opcode ` | | [boa3.builtin.math](auto-package/boa3/builtin/boa3-builtin-math) | a small sample of functions similar to Python's math. | {func}`sqrt `, {func}`floor `, {func}`ceil ` | ### Hello World Let's write a quick Hello World script that has a method that will save `"Hello World"` on the blockchain and another method that will return the string. Those 2 functions will need to be callable and will also need to change the values inside the storage, so let's import both the `public` decorator and the `storage` package. ```python # hello_world.py from boa3.builtin.compile_time import public from boa3.builtin.interop import storage @public # the public decorator will make this method callable def save_hello_world(): # an empty return type indicates that the return is None storage.put_str(b"first script", "Hello World") # the put method will store the "Hello World" value with the "first script" key @public # the public decorator will make this method callable too def get_hello_world() -> str: # this method will return a string, so it needs to specify it return storage.get_str(b"first script") # the get method will return the value associated with "first script" key ``` ### Neo Methods Neo currently has 2 special methods: `_deploy` and `verify`: ```python from typing import Any from boa3.builtin.compile_time import public @public def _deploy(data: Any, update: bool): """ This method will automatically be called when the smart contract is deployed or updated. """ pass @public def verify() -> bool: """ When this contract address is included in the transaction signature, this method will be triggered as a VerificationTrigger to verify that the signature is correct. For example, this method needs to be called when withdrawing token from the contract. :return: whether the transaction signature is correct """ pass ``` So, using the example above, if you want to set the `"Hello World"` message when you deploy your smart contract and have another method to save a given string you could do the following: ```python # hello_world_with_deploy.py from typing import Any from boa3.builtin.compile_time import public from boa3.builtin.interop import storage @public def _deploy(data: Any, update: bool): # the _deploy function needs to have this signature storage.put_str(b"second script", "Hello World") # "Hello World" will be stored when this smart contract is deployed @public def get_message() -> str: # this method will still try to get the value saved on the blockchain return storage.get_str(b"second script") @public def set_message(new_message: str): # now this method will overwrite a new string on the blockchain storage.put_str(b"second script", new_message) ``` ## Compiling your Smart Contract ### Using CLI ```shell $ neo3-boa compile path/to/your/file.py ``` > Note: When resolving compilation errors it is recommended to resolve the first reported error and try to compile again. An error can have a cascading effect and throw more errors all caused by the first. ### Using Python Script ```python from boa3.boa3 import Boa3 Boa3.compile_and_save('path/to/your/file.py') ``` ## Reference Examples and Tutorials Check out [Neo3-boa tutorials](https://developers.neo.org/tutorials/tags/neo-3-boa) on [Neo Developer](https://developers.neo.org/). For an extensive collection of examples: - [Smart contract examples](https://github.com/CityOfZion/neo3-boa/blob/development/boa3_test/examples) - [Features tests](https://github.com/CityOfZion/neo3-boa/blob/development/boa3_test/test_sc) ## What's next - [Testing and debugging your smart contract](./testing-and-debugging.md) - [How to call other smart contracts on the blockchain](./calling-smart-contracts.md) - [Invoking smart contracts with NeoNova](./invoking-with-neonova.md)